Cloud Data Warehousing vs. On-premise Data Warehousing

September 30, 2021

Cloud Data Warehousing vs. On-premise Data Warehousing

Data warehousing is becoming increasingly popular in today's data-driven world. It is a centralized repository of data that businesses use to analyze and make decisions. But, with the rise of cloud-based platforms, the question arises: is cloud data warehousing better than on-premise data warehousing? Let's dive into the comparison.


Cost is a significant factor to consider when it comes to choosing between cloud data warehousing and on-premise data warehousing. Generally, on-premise data warehousing requires a considerable upfront investment in terms of hardware, software, and maintenance, while cloud data warehousing is a pay-as-you-go model, which allows for more predictable costs.

According to a study by Forrester, the total cost of ownership for a cloud-based data warehouse is around 25% lower than for an on-premise data warehouse over three years. For example, Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers a cloud-based data warehousing service, Amazon Redshift, where you can start with as little as $0.25 per hour and scale up as required.


Scalability is another essential factor to consider when comparing cloud data warehousing and on-premise data warehousing. With on-premise solutions, scaling up can involve purchasing more hardware, which can take time and can also be costly. In contrast, cloud-based solutions allow for much easier scaling because additional resources are readily available just with a few clicks.

For instance, say your business wants to process a large dataset but only occasionally. With an on-premise data warehouse, you may need to purchase additional hardware, which lies idle most of the time, leading to wasted resources. However, with a cloud-based data warehouse, you can quickly and easily scale up when required, and scale back down when you're done, significantly optimizing your use of resources.


Security is an area where many people have concerns with cloud-based data warehousing. However, security is not inherently weaker with cloud solutions. While on-premise data warehousing offers more physical control over data, it also means that responsibility lies solely with the organization to ensure that data is protected.

In contrast, cloud providers offer a range of security protocols and features to protect data. For instance, AWS has various security measures built into its platform, including encryption, customizable identity, and access management controls, network isolation, and more.


Cloud data warehousing and on-premise data warehousing each have their advantages and disadvantages. While on-premise data warehousing may provide more physical control over data, it tends to be more expensive, less scalable, and requires more maintenance. In contrast, cloud-based data warehousing is more flexible, scalable, and cost-effective, but it may raise some security concerns. Ultimately, the choice between the two comes down to the business's individual needs and preferences.

We hope this blog post has provided you with useful information for making the best decision for your business. For more information and comparisons, visit Flare Compare.


  1. Forrester Study Finds That Total Economic Impact of Amazon Redshift is $2.1 Million Over Three Years
  2. AWS Cloud Security

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